Monday, February 20, 2012

Life's Choices and Cupcakes

Saw this on pinterest and thought we'd share it with you. Reminds us of all the wonderful choices we have in life to make it one perfect cupcake! So cute!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Nemo and Oreo

We were so excited to be given the privilege to make our old friend's niece and nephew's birthday cakes. The two siblings share the same birthday, and on Valentine's Day at that too!

We were given insider info on Cinta's favourite obsession at the moment (fish!) and decided to do a Nemo-lost-in-anemone-but-still-smiling cake for the 2-year-old.

For Arjuna, his uncle requested a baked Oreo cheesecake, simply decorated in black and white (our fav, since it's our signature colour!) and we topped it with whipped cream and crushed chocolate meringue. 

It was such a fun day!

Parisian Love and Big Smacks of Kisses!

Ever wanted your date to put shocking pink lipstick and black pearls with a pink dress on, and send you a romantic love note?

Well, we made these for Valentine's Day and they're just as delicious!

Pink buttercream cake with black edible pearls were inspired by this Parisian wallpaper. Love!

Mummy's Secret Recipes

We've been so busy in the kitchen that we haven't had time to update. So here's a big dollop of what we've been up to for the past week:

Rustic fruit cake, made with sarsaparilla liquid, steamed on a very low heat for 4 hours, and a moist carrot loaf cake, with shredded coconut, crushed pineapple and walnuts. Ab-so-lute-ly devine!

Also, we made butter cookies with chocolate chunks that's chewy on the inside and crunchy on the outside! True mouthfuls of heaven!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Something Peachy

Wedding bells-a-ringin'~ (ok enough of that!)
These were cupcakes we made for a hantaran. The wedding theme colour was peach. 
What do you think?

Basic Buttercream and All

Good afternoon, sweet things! It's been awhile since an update, and we blame the weather for this inconsistency, for one can always blame the weather for anything these days. Hehehehe. Anywho, we made cupcakes with basic buttercream deco last week and thought we'd share the photos with you lot. 

They look very similar to another cupcake company's design, don't they? It wasn't our intention to copy, but rather experiment with hand-skills and patterns. Any resemblance to them is of accidental nature. 
C.S. Lewis once said: 

“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.” 

We couldn't agree more. Happy holidays!